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Putting our money where our mouth is

 Stuff's getting really real. 

What started out as pencil sketches 2 years ago - 

 - and then became proper floor plans not long after - 

- prompted some sketching. Here's my rough idea of how our vanity would look:

Here's the cabinet maker's rather more technical version:

Now, wires and pipes have been put in place based on those renders. The plumber was done weeks ago, the electrician finished last week.

Then I started looking at lights and mirrors and - oops - fell hard for some lights and mirrors that won't work with the way it was plumbed and wired. 

I think this might be the perfect cabinet - not too hard-edged, but practical, slim but not stingy.

And these lights will chime nicely with our Japanese tub and vaguely Asian spa tile.

But to make them work we need the vanity to be more like this sketch which took me hours to produce:

...which required the lights to be rewired and the pipes moved. This picture shows all the conversations I've had with the electricians about various ways to make the lights I want fit in this space.

They are now in right spot for precisely the lights I love. Which according to the internet, are in high demand and low stock. So I bit the bullet and bought them.

And that is how - in the space of two years - we went from pencil marks on paper, to a stack of boxes in our garage.

Like I said, it's all getting really real. Really, real money, real fixtures, real fittings, real pipes and wires, real. It's about time I guess.
