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Closet conundrum (file this under high class problems)

I literally couldn't sleep this week for mithering about our entryway closet. Entryway storage is very important to me.  I don't want to greet guests with a mountain of shoes.  I really want all the front door crap - sunscreen, sunglasses, bags, car keys, masks (will there still be masks? better make provision just in case), hand sanitizer (ditto), hoodies - to be hidden away.

Originally the architect suggested a closet by the door to the garage, from the kitchen. But we walk out more often than we drive. So we had him rethink and put the closet by the front door along with a new door to the garage.

The closet and the office door were side-by-side. They were at the edge of the library but I had plans for a gorgeous slatted back for my shoe-cubby-bench, which would screen it off. 

Like this only with slats to the ceiling:

Then we decided to put an internal window between the office and the entryway, so we could steal a little light. Our architect suggested we put glass doors in, which I was really into. At first.

Then came the sleepless night. 

I do not like the idea of dirty shoes shuffling past my clean office - and making their way into the library.  We'd have to put a screen up between the closet and the library, otherwise it'd feel like a mash-up between a mudroom and a library which is not a good combo. But now my shoe bench is facing into the library, so a slatted screen would have you feeling like you were staring through the bars of a cage as you sat down to tie your shoelaces.

Now we've put a window in the entryway now we don't need the office to have glass doors. So I've reinstated the office door back in the library, which feels more logical. And the closets are closer to the front door than ever. Here's how it will work:

I've had to relinquish some space from my office to make that possible. My office cupboard is now 3' wide instead of 4' wide. And I've had to move and shrink my desk, but it's still 8' longer than my current working space. The library has a bit more space. And best of all I've invented a sweet little nook for my shoe-cubby-bench - tucked in next to the closet. 

Maybe it'll be a bit like this, only less white. 

Or like this only our shoes will be cunningly hidden in drawers below the bench.

Maybe we'll wallpaper the back of the nook! Or paint it a jaunty colour. It might just be my new favourite feature of the house. And I'm sleeping much better now.
