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Open House Weekend

The Open House is another feature of the real estate market here that needs a little translation for us Brits. When a home is up for sale, it is opened up to any old nosey parker who wants to snoop around it, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, until it sells.
The Open House isn’t just a matter of tidying up a bit. This is a lifestyle we’re selling here, and to people who may have no imagination, too. We’ve hidden all our clutter, put fresh flowers in every room, and put away all our family photos in order to depersonalize it. Though the smiley face I drew on the back of our bathroom door is hard to depersonalize. I set up a little tray with drinks and a coffee table book outside on the deck, just in case people didn’t realize this was a place you might sit and have a drink and read a book. My husband even did a special double-fold trick with the towels, which our realtor thought was a nice touch.
And it worked! We had a couple more viewings after the Open House and ended up with three offers. Now I see the benefit of the covering letter. The people with the first offer also wrote a nice letter about how they wanted to start a family here. Some other people referred to how much they wanted to live in Redondo (the neighbouring city) in their letter – clearly not their first covering letter, and how hard is it to search-and-replace Redondo with Hermosa? What kind of people are they?! We were very happy to be able to accept the nice young couple’s offer. And now we’re ready to resubmit our offer on Casa Del Sol – only this time we’re not bothering with the covering letter.
