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Showing posts from August, 2021

What happens when we go away

Returning after over three weeks away, we were excited to go and look around the build site. We didn't expect much of interest to have happened while we were gone - just a bunch more boring stuff going in. Still, it was nice to walk the site and see all those wires, vents, pipes and cables.  Then something unexpected caught Ash's eye. 'Are these windows smaller?' he asked. 'I hope not,' I said. Not just because we liked them the size they were, but also because the windows are already in production and it's way too late to change them. But something was definitely up. This is the size of the window when we left at the end of July:  This is the guest room - the windows in the bathroom and in Penelope's room are the same size. This is what we returned home to in late August: Different, isn't it? And the windows in bathroom and Penelope's room had also moved. Which is odd because no-one called us to suggest moving any windows around. A quick 'um...