We moved out today. It’s finally time to tear the house down. But there will be no wrecking ball for Casa Del Sol. Actually you wouldn’t need a wrecking ball. You could probably just drive a golf cart very slowly into the house and it’d collapse. But that’s not the way it’s done here. Our house won’t be smashed up and dumped in a landfill. Instead, in accordance with California’s environmental laws, it will be carefully taken apart piece by piece, sorted and recycled. I’m relieved about this. I was hoping to have some parts of the house salvaged, but it’s surprisingly hard to find a housing charity who will take this stuff without considerable investment and effort on our part. I want to do the right thing but not if it’s going to add a couple of weeks and a few thousand to our project plan. Appliances need to be fairly new and materials need to have been removed and cleaned. I asked our builder for recommendations because ‘I don’t want it all to end up in landfill’ to whi...